Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New Pickup & Cleaning Project (Suede)

So today I picked up some New Castle or (Brown Ales), and they were kind of dirty, and regularly when you have a pair of dirty sneakers, you just get some soap & water and just clean them. But in this case, an all suede shoe takes a diffrent kind of cleaning. The following pictures are going to shoe the show before, the process and after.

Try at your own risk!

(you may cant see the several dirt spots on them, sorry for the quality)

The Process
First, whenever I start to clean my sneakers, I take out the laces, and keep them to the side in case you want to use them for later.
When cleaning suede, for me I just use a little bit of soap; (can be hand soap)
& Water
The next few pictures show me mixing the two with a toothbrush, and lightly applying them to ONLY THE DIRT STAINS! The whole shoe does not have to be applied with soap and water.
Now after you have wet the dirt spots,
you will now need two suede brushes. A medium and a soft. (for the soft, a regular hair brush can be used if its soft). For mine, I used a suede brush from the Air Jordan 18s, and a brush that I got from CVS;
(The big is the soft, and the little is the medium)
You need to apply the medium brush many times over the wet spots, to lighten up the wet suedes dirts spots;
(as you can see, the waters lifting off)
and then back over the brushed spots with the soft brush to bring the suede back to normal.
Soft brush fully lifting wet spots;

Now for the suede cleaner. I bought the GRIFFIN suede & Nubuck cleaner from the grocery store H E B. It was only around 3 to 4 dollars.
When applying, make sure you read the directions, shake it up good, and keep it about 6-8 inches from the sneakers. And don't dround the sneaker in it, just a quick spray.
After spraying a bit, swipe the dirty spots many time with the suede brush that came with the spray, then take your soft brush to bring it to its original shape.
After repeating the process a few time, you should be done. Hopefully it works the same as it did for me.

The look a bit better

To make them look a little newer, I bought new laces, Which can be found at CVS.

Also, if you get a new pickup and they smell, take out the soles and spray the inside with this;
Lysol disinfectant, it can prevent from stinky shoes, kills germs, and keep you sneakers smelling good.

Thank you for viewing,